

We are really excited to announce the official Paceshifters fanclub: The Bakkie Society!

If you join The Bakkie Society you get access to exclusive content and you’ll be the first one to hear our new record! Every month we’ll share a new song with you and talk about the process of the song in a monthly podcast (the writing, the recording, story behind the song etc). Besides that, as a member you have unlimited access and discounts to lots of other cool stuff as well (exclusive merch & goodies from our screen print HQ, old demos etc). Become a member NOW and receive a hot, steaming, warm welcome..

The first new Paceshifters song is available NOW in The Bakkie Society section, also the first podcast is waiting for you. So join the club now and check it out!

If you join The Bakkie Society you get access to the following exclusive stuff:


Join the PACESHIFTERS mailing list and be the first to hear all the latest news, updates, and exclusive content straight from the band! By signing up, you’ll gain access to behind-the-scenes insights, early announcements about upcoming releases and tours, and much more.